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How stock aging report is prepared in Odoo

on 9/8/17, 2:53 PM 8,447 views

Would like to understand on how stock aging report is prepared in odoo. If there is any blog associated with the query it would be helpful.



| 3 1 1
On 9/8/17, 2:56 PM

Refer the below blog from @Syama from Zesty Labs to get a simple explanation of it. Zesty Labs is expert in implementing odoo solution in medium and large enterprises. By expert consultancy zesty labs has already catered to the ERP requirement of diverse industry located in Dubai and GCC countries. 

 Effective stock aging report using odoo


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Asked: 9/8/17, 2:53 PM
Seen: 8447 times
Last updated: 9/8/17, 3:00 PM